| Phase | Duration | Focus | Objectives | Activities | Deliverables: | Notes Key activities | Status | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | PHASE 1: FORMATIVE RESEARCH | 3 weeks 4 weeks | A) PROJECT INCEPTION | Objectives: Refine the research approach and ensure alignment and clarity on project focus and outcomes. | Discovery – review existing research, onboarding to GRACE and One Acre Fund country activities and strategy.

Design and lead a kick off workshop – to set the project vision, understand the needs, gaps and parameters and agree on KPI’s and ways of working. 1 x virtual workshop with Project and Country Leads.

Develop detailed research framework – design of research questions, methodology, sample and timelines per country. Delivered as a concise inception plan (deck / memo).

Alignment session – to review the inception plan to ensure the approach is optimised to deliver against the required objectives with the resource available. 1 x virtual workshop Country with Project Lead and Country teams. | Inception plan | Here I Am 75% Desk research and onboarding

Co-designing and running kick-off workshop

Developing research framework

Leading the alignment session

Finalising and delivering the inception plan to 1AF.

Project Management

Ravel 25% Desk research and onboarding

Co-designing and running kick-off workshop

Feeding into the research framework and inception plan

Participating in the alignment session.

Overseeing client relationship  | Planning | | QUAL & QUANT RESEARCH | 12 weeks | B) QUAL & QUANT RESEARCH | To understand youth and young women barriers and preferences as they relate to agriculture & One Acre Fund participation in Nigeria and Tanzania. | Recruitment and training of youth researcher network – onboarding to research ethics, Fatima platform and data collection techniques.

Development of research tools – creation of discussion guides and scripting of surveys aligned to research needs and questions agreed during the inception phase.

Conduct tool training and testing – training and piloting of research tools with youth researcher team.

Data collection – qualitative and quantitative fieldwork in agreed locations in Nigeria and Tanzania.

Data Reporting – data cleaning, analysis and compilation of a research findings report. | Survey & focus group instruments (survey questionnaires, focus group discussion guides, etc.)

Raw data (tables and transcripts)

Data collection report | Here I Am 90% Recruitment and training of youth researcher network

Development of research tools

Tool training and testing

Data collection

Finalising data reporting and delivering to 1AF.

Project management

Ravel 10% Feeding into research tools

Feeding into data reporting

Overseeing the client relationship | | | C) INSIGHTS AND STRATEGY | 4 weeks | C) INSIGHTS AND STRATEGY | Analysis of the research and development of strategic recommendations as to how One Acre Fund could overcome barriers to youth engaging with One Acre Fund agriculture products, services and preferred behaviours. | Research analysis – integrated thematic analysis on qual and quant research to draw out barriers, preferences and opportunities across markets.

Development of integrated insights presentation - including audience profiles, needs dashboard / barriers and product and service preferences

Insights & strategy shaping workshop – participatory workshops with country and creative teams to deep dive into the findings and develop implications, opportunities and marketing and communication insights, objectives and outline strategy.

Research report and recommendations – research report (either deck or memo) summarising the results of the research and strategy workshops with actionable recommendations for next steps | Research report (either deck or memo) summarising the results of the research, with actionable recommendations for next steps | Here I Am 35% Leading all research analysis

Co-authoring and presentation of integrated insights presentation

Co-designing and running the insight and strategy shaping workshop.

Project management

Ravel 65% Supporting all research analysis

Co-authoring and presentation of integrated insights presentation

Co-designing and running the insight and strategy shaping workshop.

Developing final insights report and strategy and delivering to 1AF.

Overseeing the client relationship | | | PHASE 2: COMMUNICATION PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SPRINT | 6 weeks | PHASE 2: COMMUNICATION PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SPRINT | Design and test strategies to boost program adoption (focusing primarily on SBCC & marketing) to refine and expand One Acre Fund’s products and services to youth and young women for 2 country programs. | Co-creation and testing – run co-creation workshops with target audiences in country to develop creative ideas and test key messaging, formats and treatments.

Creative development – develop draft messages and creative territories for how marketing / brand or SBCC communication activities could help address barriers and encourage the uptake of One Acre Fund product and services.

Delivery of creative strategy and example assets – deliver creative strategy and key assets (messaging house, example assets) as a starter toolkit for One Acre Fund’s creative team / partner creative agency to produce and roll-out*

MEL Framework - for measuring SBCC & marketing efforts post-implementation | Creative strategy and example assets delivered as a deck which will include -

a) Message framework

b) Creative treatment

c) Prioritised activities and outline plans

d) Example assets e.g. 1-2 social media posts / 1 x example of a radio advert script / concept for an event etc.

MEL framework | Here I Am 5% Light touch project management support e.g. Identifying co-creation participants.

Ravel 95% Co-creation and testing

Creative development

Delivery of creative strategy and example assets to 1AF.

MEL Framework

Project management

Overseeing the client relationship | |

Project Timings

Date Activities Output
**7th – 27th October

11/Nov** | Inception

Raise this with Amy | | | 28th October – 2nd February

11/Nov - |  Qual and Quant Research    | | | 3rd February – 2nd March  | Insights and Strategy  | | | 3rd March – 7th April  | Comms Product Development Sprint  | | | | | | | | | |